dote on/upon

dote on/upondote on/upon

These words all mean to have feelings of love or affection for sb.以上各词均含喜爱、爱慕(某人)之义。

to have strong feelings of affection for sb指爱、热爱:

I love you.


to find sb pleasant and enjoy being with them指喜欢、喜爱:

She's nice. I like her.


to feel affection for sb, especially sb you have known for a long time指喜爱(尤指认识已久的人):

I've always been very fond of your mother.


to love sb very much指热爱、爱慕:

It's obvious that she adores him.


to love sb very much and be loyal to them指深爱、忠诚于某人:

They are devoted to their children.


to love sb, especially in a way that is based on strong affection or a feeling of wanting to protect them, rather than sex指深深地爱、非常喜欢,但不指性爱:

He cared for her more than she realized.


to feel and show great love for sb, ignoring their faults指溺爱、宠爱、过分喜爱:

He dotes on his children.
